Monday, September 29, 2008

Generals play hide and seek

Hi guys! I've been playing the game of the generals and hide and seek for quite some time now and then today the idea hit me... Why don't the generals play hide and seek?

I just observed that during game of the generals, the generals appear at Armia always at the same place. Near the gate and Carbunkle Wind. So everyone just sits there waiting for the generals to appear. Not very fun huh. Same thing at Kephra dungeon, the GMs give us the coords of the generals so we just all rush there and kill them.

An hour later, one CM will hide will give us clues and we all go find him or her. Upon finding the CM, what we do is TRADE him or her which renders our weapons that we painstakingly upped and anciented USELESS.

Wouldn't it be more fun if we hunted generals that we can kill instead of CMs that just sit around waiting to be traded? So here's my idea for this event...

At the given time, the generals and his minions will appear at a random location. There will be 3 clues and the clues will be given at 3 minute intervals so the hunting time will be longer than if the clues were given out all at once. The minions will give out scraps and the general will give out the 5 laks to whoever made the last hit.

I think this event will promote communication between guildmates or academy mates if group hunting is your thing. Or you can try to kill the general and all his minions alone if you want to keep all the booty for yourself (that is if nobody else comes hehe). Also, this event will give a whole new meaning to the word "hunting" in this game. And lastly, we can blast the hell out of the general when we finally find him instead of simply pushing the TRADE button.

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